Teak has been well known for centuries for its quality, durability and beauty. Teak is a very hard, densely grained wood with a very high oil content. The unique combination of these characteristics makes teakwood naturally resistant to moisture, rot, warping, shrinking, splintering, insects, fungus, marine borers and termites making it the ideal wood for the production of outdoor furniture.
Teak is often misunderstood as a “high-maintenance” material, when in fact it requires virtually no maintenance whatsoever and will last for generations to come. Three Birds recommends DO NOTHING, and allow your teak furniture to weather naturally. In less than a year of exposure to the elements, Teak will naturally weather to a beautiful silver-gray patina. The only maintenance needed for your furniture is an occasional cleaning. We recommend using liquid dish detergent (approximately 5 tablespoons per gallon of water) and a soft bristle brush.
During the weathering process you may notice a slight “checking”, or opening of the grain. You may even notice a few small cracks, especially at the top edges of arms and legs. This is completely normal as the wood expands and contracts due to changes in temperature and humidity, and will not affect the structural integrity of the furniture.
If you prefer to preserve the color of your new or cleaned teak furniture, or would like to “revive” already weathered teak to “like new” condition, then we suggest using our Three Birds Teak Care Products:

Teak Protector will prevent the oxidation of teak wood by maintaining its original gold color. Apply once or twice a year depending on geographical conditions. If using Teak Cleaner, apply after.
- Up to 4 times longer lasting than teak-oil
- Up to twice as long-lasting as teak sealers
- 100% water-based & environmentally friendly
- Non Flammable
- Fast & easy to apply
- No oil, grease, or mess
- Resistant to mold & prevents black spots on teak
Teak Shield helps protect teak tabletops from spills and stains, preventing unwanted materials from soaking into the wood as easily. Apply after Teak Cleaner and/or Teak Protector if applicable.
Stainless Steel Cleaner removes any rust, oxidation, or dirt that appears on stainless steel. Useful for both stainless steel products and maintaining hardware on teak products.
Stainless Steel Protector helps prevent stainless steel from rusting and oxidizing; maintaining the new sheen for a longer time. Recommended if within 10 miles of salt water.
Fabric Cleaner is an easy-to-use salutation that removes dirt and stains from both cushions and sling chairs alike.
Fabric Protector helps prevent food and drink stains from seeping into cushion and sling fabric.